
some questions: no mail sent, element install, register

florent dewas created this topic 11 months 1 day ago

trying to set a simple form, i get some troubles:
- install et creating form seem ok
- form is submit and submission are saved
- => no mail seems to be sent..

- trying to install Joomla cpatcha element returns an error "Invalid file type"

- i will need at least (if everything is ok) "files input element"...

- how to register to your site to submit namely a ticket?

thanks for all
Hello Florent,

no mail seems to be sent
- Formea will use the default Joomla! email setting to send out email on form submissions. Please ensure that the email is properly configured at Joomla! administrator > System > Global Configuration > Server > Mail

trying to install Joomla cpatcha element returns an error "Invalid file type"
- Not to be confused with Joomla! installer. All Formea's extension shall be installed from the installer located at Formea dashboard at Joomla! administrator > Formea Form Builder > Dashboard. Scroll down until the section "Install Fromea Extension", simply click on "browse" to upload Fromea extension (Zip file) and click on the "Install" button.

i will need at least (if everything is ok) "files input element"
- We do have an element to handle files upload/input. You can read more here: Formea File Input Element

how to register to your site to submit namely a ticket?
- Currently, account registration on our website is only for paid customer. You’ll be able to create an account (register) upon making a purchase. Once registered, you can create a ticket on our support page here
Hello Heidi,

no mail seems to be sent
Joomla! administrator > System > Global Configuration > Server > Mail is OK. Joomla send correctly mail test (php or sendmail method).

trying to install Joomla cpatcha element returns an error "Invalid file type"
performed on administrator > Formea Form Builder > Dashboard
performed on administrator > Formea Form Builder > Element type / add element type
=> style same error message "Invalid file type"

i will need at least (if everything is ok) "files input element"
as soon everything will be ok :)

Grouped elements
no needs at this time but create a "new grouped element" returns an error: "Table groupedelement non supportée. Fichier introuvable. "

Few informations:
url: (installed on sub-directory for dev.)
Joomla 4.4.3
PHP 8.1.27

Thank you for the additional information.

The email was not successfully sent may be due to Joomla being installed in a sub-directory. When attempting to trigger the email notification, Formea will make the call to your top domain; host origin ([url] [/url]). To troubleshoot this issue, could you please try using your top domain or a sub-domain such as, rather than a sub-directory?

Table groupedelement non supportée. Fichier introuvable.
- This is a known bug and will be fixed in the upcoming release. In the meantime you can manually rename the file at [ROOT]/administrator/components/com_formea/src/Table/GroupedElementTable.php to GroupedelementTable.php (Note the spelling and character case)
Hello all,
All of the issue has been addressed and fixed with the release of Formea version 1.1.6.
Release note
Moderators: Eddie