How to mark field as required?

Claire created this topic 1 year 3 months ago
How to mark field as required? was created by Claire
Hi, I just purchased this plugin and I'm trying to build a form with required fields.
Is there a way for me to show some marker that the field is required?
Maybe like a * symbol at the label?
Replied by Raja Nur on topic How to mark field as required?
Hi Claire, we appreciate your recent purchase!

To activate the necessary field indicator, navigate to Components > Formea Form Builder > Validations > Required Field. Feel free to customize both the indicator symbol (set to (*)) and its color according to your preferences.

While we are currently working on providing tutorials and how-tos, you can refer to our Required Field documentation at [url] [/url]  in the interim.
Replied by Claire on topic How to mark field as required?
Found it, thanks!
Moderators: Eddie