No submit with active reCaptcha

Michael P. created this topic 3 months 1 week ago
No submit with active reCaptcha was created by Michael P.
Hello there,

I've installed formea form builder on a joomla 5 and my form works so far as designed. Filled forms are stored in the database and the mail is send out.

But when I add the Captcha (system-plugin for recaptcha v3 is installed and active and configured with the proper keys, in joomla core settings recaptcha is chosen) into the form, fill it and press "submit", the form only reloads empty and does nothing in background. No data is stored and no mail is send. I don't even get any errors or anything else. Even the required fields are not giving errors if left blank.

Do you know, where to find the issue?

Thanks and best regards
Replied by Heidi on topic No submit with active reCaptcha
Hello Michael,

Formea was designed to integrate seamlessly with Joomla!'s native Captcha functionality, initially supporting the built-in Captcha plugins included with Joomla!. However, since Joomla! 5 has discontinued the official Captcha plugins, users now have to rely on third-party Captcha extensions. Unfortunately, these plugins often use different approaches to validate Captcha, which creates compatibility challenges for Formea. We are aware that some Captcha plugins available in the Joomla Extensions Directory (JED) may conflict with Formea's functionality.

While we work on a solution to adapt to third-party Captcha extensions, I recommend using the official Joomla! reCaptcha plugin released with Joomla! 4. This plugin can still be installed and used in Joomla! 5.

To make it easier, I’ve attached the reCaptcha plugin for you to download and try out. Alternatively, if you prefer to package it yourself, you can extract it from the Joomla! 4 source files under the plugins > captcha folder.

Please let me know how it works for you.

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